• The-Butler_David-Chipperfield_e15-furniture-makers_American-willow_Wolfram-Scheible_Making_Detail-(1)_carousel.jpg

American willow

American black willow is a Southern States species, usually associated with water and is just one of many willow species.

Latin Name

Salix nigra

Other Common Names

black willow, swamp willow

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American black willow trees grow naturally in the Central and Southern States mainly along the Mississippi river and beside lakes. The best trees of willow can grow very tall and straight but with relatively small diameter and may be multi-stemmed.


FIA data shows U.S. willow growing stock is 56.7 million m3, 0.4% of total U.S. hardwood growing stock. American willow is growing 1.15 million m3 per year while the harvest is 0.31 million m3 per year. The net volume (after harvest) is increasing 0.84 million m3 each year. Willow growth exceeds harvest in most U.S. states that are host to the species

Alabama : 1,068,370 m³ Arkansas : 4,889,120 m³ Arizona : 0 m³ California : 0 m³ Colorado : 0 m³ Connecticut : 27,990 m³ Washington DC : 0 m³ Delaware : 9,980 m³ Florida : 656,450 m³ Georgia : 2,264,010 m³ Iowa : 1,282,560 m³ Idaho : 0 m³ Illinois : 2,574,270 m³ Indiana : 843,580 m³ Kansas : 1,602,070 m³ Kentucky : 1,933,720 m³ Louisiana : 10,440,580 m³ Massachusetts : 69,950 m³ Maryland : 0 m³ Maine : 14,320 m³ Michigan : 1,373,800 m³ Minnesota : 1,570,090 m³ Missouri : 3,121,800 m³ Mississippi : 6,716,520 m³ Montana : 0 m³ North Carolina : 925,200 m³ North Dakota : 379,740 m³ Nebraska : 755,190 m³ New Hampshire : 15,320 m³ New Jersey : 244,620 m³ New Mexico : 0 m³ Nevada : 0 m³ New York : 4,881,070 m³ Ohio : 1,242,510 m³ Oklahoma : 2,872,100 m³ Oregon : 6,110 m³ Pennsylvania : 1,451,590 m³ Rhode Island : 2,560 m³ South Carolina : 884,060 m³ South Dakota : 134,590 m³ Tennessee : 3,438,190 m³ Texas : 2,332,890 m³ Utah : 0 m³ Virginia : 367,470 m³ Vermont : 9,450 m³ Washington : 236,030 m³ Wisconsin : 1,400,130 m³ West Virginia : 78,270 m³ Wyoming : 0 m³ 0-2K 2K-4K 4K-6K 6K-8K 8K-10K 10K-12K > 12K Volume of live trees on forest land, 1000 m³ 0 200K All data derives from The Forest Inventory and Analysis Database developed in 2001, a component of the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture.Data was compiled by AHEC in May 2020 using the most recent state inventory available (2018 for most states).“Forest volume” refers to “Net volume of live trees on forest land" as defined by FIA (see glossary). FIA forest volume data is available for 49 U.S. states (Hawaii and Washington D.C. are omitted) with total commercially significant hardwood forest volume of 14.6 billionWith the 2008 Farm Bill, every US State was tasked to prepare a Forest Action Plan by 2010, reviewed in 2015, to include comprehensiveassessment of forest condition and a strategy for sustainable forestry. Further details are available from theNational Association of State Foresters
Back to whole mainland U.S. 0-20K 20K-40K 40K-60K 60K-80K 80K-100K 100K-120K > 120K Volume of live trees on forest land, 1000 m³ 0 200K
-15K -10K -5K 0 5K 10K 15K 20K 25K GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ -10K -9K -8K -7K -6K -5K -4K -3K -2K -1K 0 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ -2000 -1750 -1500 -1250 -1000 -750 -500 -250 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ Removals 0 Growth 0 Net growth 0
0 200K 400K 600K 800K 1M 1.2M FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ 0 40K 80K 120K 160K 200K 240K 280K 320K 360K 400K 440K FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ 0 10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K 100K FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ 0 4K 8K 12K 16K 20K FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ Forest volume 0

LCA Tool

it takes 100.6 seconds to grow 1m³ of American willow
The replacement rate is calculated from total U.S. annual increment of the specified hardwood species derived from the U.S. Forest Service Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program and assumes that 2 m³ of logs is harvested to produce 1 m³ of lumber (i.e. 50% conversion efficiency). The rapid rate of replacement is due to the very large volume of hardwood trees in U.S. forest.

Global Warming Potential (Kg CO2 -eq)


Primary Energy Demand from Resources (MJ)


Primary Energy Demand from Renewables (MJ)


Acidification Potential (Moles of H+ eq.)


Freshwater Eutrophication Potential (Kg P -eq)


Marine Eutrophication Potential (Kg N -eq)


Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (Kg NMVOC)


Resource Depletion (Kg Sb -eq.)

Transport Forest-Kiln
Transport Kiln-Customer
Carbon uptake
Global Warming PotentialPrimary Energy Demand from ResourcesPrimary Energy Demand from RenewablesAcidification PotentialFreshwater Eutrophication PotentialMarine Eutrophication PotentialPhotochemical Ozone Creation PotentialResource Depletion
UnitKg CO2 -eqMJMJMoles of H+ eq.Kg P -eqKg N -eqKg NMVOCKg Sb -eq.
Transport Forest-Kiln
Transport Kiln-Customer
Carbon uptake
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Willow is only available on a regional basis mainly in the southern States and in limited volumes of sawn lumber in export grades. It is primarily produced as thinner stock (4/4") so the availability of other thicknesses may be more limited. Veneer may also be available from specialist suppliers.

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The wood of willow has a fine and even texture. The grain may straight or interlocked and may present attractive figure. The narrow sapwood varies according to site conditions and is light to creamy brown in colour but can be almost white. The heartwood is distinct ranging from pale reddish brown to greyish brown and can be quite dark. Burls and swirls in the grain are natural characteristics and are not considered defects. 

Mechanical Properties

The wood of willow is light in weight and soft. It is weak in bending strength, compression, shock resistance, stiffness and has low steam bending classification. 

  • 0.39

    Specific Gravity (12% M.C.)

    417 kg/m3

    Average Weight (12% M.C.)


    Average Volume Shrinkage (Green to 6% M.C.)

    53.800 MPa

    Modulus of Rupture

    6,960 MPa

    Modulus of Elasticity

    28.300 MPa

    Compressive strength (parallel to grain)


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Compare species
  • Willow works fairly well with machine and hand tools, but care is needed to avoid a fuzzy surface when interlocked grain is present. It nails and screws well and has excellent gluing properties and can be sanded and polished to a very good finish. It dries rapidly with minimum degrade, although it may be susceptible to moisture pockets. Willow shrinks as it dries but its dimensional stability is good when dry.

  • The wood is non-resistant to heartwood decay and resistant to preservative treatment. The sapwood is permeable.
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Black willow is used for furniture, joinery and interior mouldings. It can be used stained as a light coloured substitute for walnut.


Examples of Use

The Butler by David Chipperfield Architects and E15
The Butler by David Chipperfield Architects and E15