Terence's design process

When Terence Woodgate was first tasked with creating the two sofas, he started by observing the space as he met with Alex Beard in his office at the Royal Opera House. He noticed that the existing sofas in the room were the same height as the chairs in the room, and that there wasn't anywhere to comfortably slouch in the room. A lower sofa wood create a different dynamic to the room. Conscious not to make the sofas too comfortable, Terence's approach was to create something softer and more comfortable than a bench, yet not as soft as a sofa. The style of the sofas is simple and minimalist.

"I am inspired by geometry, that’s what directs me, informs me. I like texture but I don’t like decoration for decoration’s sake. I am more interested in subtraction than addition, so there’s a certain subtraction to the form of this piece." - Terence Woodgate.