Discovered Singapore

Touch, reflection and strength. How can we foster a sense of touch in an increasingly virtual world? 
The American Hardwood Export Council presents a selection from Discovered. This curation of designs from the original London exhibition is a platform to promote and support design’s next generation. 

10 Designers from the Asia Pacific region were amongst those selected to create a piece that represents the functional and emotional connections to our everyday objects, guided by the themes of touch, reflection, and strength. 

Considering the materials’ tactility as a key component of the creative and production processes, the designers chose from four sustainable U.S. hardwoods: red oak, cherry, hard and soft maple. 

Manufactured by partners in Malaysia and Sydney, the pieces will be on display at Red Dot Design Museum, Singapore from 16th to 22nd May 2024. 




The Materials Discovered Singapore

The Mentors Discovered Singapore

The Workshops Discovered Singapore

Nong Chotipatoomwan

Thought Bubble

Kodai Iwamoto

Pari Pari

Mew Mungnatee

Corners Lamp

Trang Nyuyen

The Roof Stool

Taiho Shin


Ivana Taylor


Yunhan Wang

Winding stream

Vivienne Wong

Iuxta me

Tan Wei Xiang


Duncan Young

Shelter Within

The Exhibition Discovered Singapore