Adam Khan Architects was formed in 2006 and has rapidly established a reputation for built work of sensitivity, elegance and refinement which addresses key issues of our time – social inclusion, sustainability and the vitality of public space. This is based on careful study of context, collaborative working methods and an active process of client and user engagement, underpinned by a commitment to the social potential of architecture.

We work with a diverse portfolio of private, public and third sector clients, at a wide range of scale- landscape, city, building and room- enjoying the cross-fertilisation that this allows. Our strategies for renewal typically include both renovation and new building, looking to exploit the latent potential in any found condition.

Across the projects there is a commitment to achieving beauty and sociability, and to finding this through a process of collaboration and engagement across disciplines and social boundaries – our approach and working methods are open and inclusive. This has allowed the delivery of complex projects ranging from high-performance sustainable buildings to community renewal projects bringing together diverse stakeholders and user groups.

We are highly experienced at Contract Administration with an excellent record on delivery – complex projects delivered on time and budget. We pursue delight and sensual pleasure in buildings with the same rigour that we bring to sustainability and cost control. Our clients value our high level of service, and our realism combined with imagination. We enjoy working in a collaborative way and see constraints as a vital and useful spur to good design. We work in a way that is fast, flexible, and creative.



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