American hickory

American hickory and pecan are different species of a very diverse group, but in the round (log) they are virtually indistinguishable from each other and therefore often processed by saw mills and sold mixed together.

Latin Name

Carya spp

Other Common Names

Often referred to as pecan in the South.

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The hickories are an important group and the trees grow naturally throughout the Eastern U.S., from north to south. They are split into two groups; the more important true hickories and hickories producing pecan nuts, the latter being an important fruit-bearing tree. Trees vary in size enormously.


FIA data shows U.S. hickory growing stock is 742.3 million m3, 4.7% of total U.S. hardwood growing stock. American hickory is growing 14.6 million m3 per year while the harvest is 5.9 million m3 per year. The net volume (after harvest) is increasing 8.6 million m3 each year. U.S. hickory growth exceeds harvest in all significant producing states with the exception of Louisiana.

Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming Average annual growth, m3 0 3.5K
0-20K 20K-40K 40K-60K 60K-80K 80K-100K 100K-120K > 120K Average annual growth, m3 0 200K
-15K -10K -5K 0 5K 10K 15K 20K 25K GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ -10K -9K -8K -7K -6K -5K -4K -3K -2K -1K 0 1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K 10K GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ -2000 -1750 -1500 -1250 -1000 -750 -500 -250 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 GROWTH AND REMOVALS, 1000 m³ Removals 0 Growth 0 Net growth 0
0 200K 400K 600K 800K 1M 1.2M FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ 0 40K 80K 120K 160K 200K 240K 280K 320K 360K 400K 440K FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ 0 10K 20K 30K 40K 50K 60K 70K 80K 100K FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ 0 4K 8K 12K 16K 20K FOREST VOLUME, 1000 m³ Forest volume 0

LCA Tool

it takes 4.33 seconds to grow 1m³ of American hickory
The replacement rate is calculated from total U.S. annual increment of the specified hardwood species derived from the U.S. Forest Service Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program and assumes that 2m³ of logs is harvested to produce 1m³ of lumber (i.e. 50% conversion efficiency). The rapid rate of replacement is due to the very large volume of hardwood trees in U.S. forest.
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Hickory sawn lumber is readily available in export grades, but sold unselected for colour and mixed. The NHLA FAS grade permits a minimum width of 4 inches (101.6mm). The lower NHLA grades (1 & 2 Common) can produce an attractive and fashionable rustic look. Lumber is mainly produced in thinner stock (4/4” & 5/4) although a limited amount of thicker material may be available.

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The wood of hickory varies greatly in colour, grain pattern and appearance from this very diverse group. It is fine textured and the grain is usually straight but can be wavy or irregular. The sapwood is white and maybe tinged with brown, while the heartwood is pale to yellow brown to dark in colour. Deep purple mineral streaks are a natural characteristic. Bird pecks are also a common characteristic and neither is considered a defect.

Mechanical Properties

The wood of hickories is rather coarse and varies from strong to less strong but is heavy and very hard. It has good bending strength, shock resistance and excellent steam bending properties.

  • 0.75

    Specific Gravity (12% M.C.)

    833 kg/m3

    Average Weight (12% M.C.)


    Average Volume Shrinkage (Green to 6% M.C.)

    138.590 MPa

    Modulus of Rupture

    15,583 MPa

    Modulus of Elasticity

    63.365 MPa

    Compressive strength (parallel to grain)


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  • Hickory is considered difficult to machine and glue, and very hard to work with hand tools. It will hold nails and screws well but tends to split so pre-boring is advised. The wood can be sanded and polished to a good finish. It can be difficult to dry and has large shrinkage, which may affect stability under variable moisture conditions and in wider width material.
  • The wood is non-resistant to heartwood decay and classed as moderately resistant to preservative treatment.
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Furniture, cabinetry, ladders, striking tool handles dowels and sporting goods. Traditionally used by wheelwrights and for making drumsticks. The hardwearing properties of hickory make it an excellent choice for flooring, especially in situations of high traffic use. Historically the first wooden golf club shafts were made from hickory, and NHLA lumber graders still use the traditional flexible hickory measuring stick.

Tool Handles